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  1. Raja Janak was a King and a Saint. He was the father of Sita and lived thousands of years ago, well before the Gurus.

  2. As a king, he ruled very fairly and meditated on the Naam throughout his life.

  3. When Raja Janak died, he was taken to Sach Khand on a chariot. As he was being taken to Sach Khand, he could hear crying and screaming beneath him.

  4. He looked and saw sinners suffering in many hells. The sinners were begging for death as they couldn’t handle the pain.

  5. The sinners cried out to Raja Janak “Oh blessed one, please save us from this suffering”.

  6. Raja Janak felt pity on the souls and wanted to do something to help them.

  7. Eventually, Dharam Raj came to Raja Janak and told him “You are an enlightened soul, you shouldn’t be here, you should be in Sach Khand”.

  8. Raja Janak replied “I can’t go to Sach Khand after seeing all these souls suffering. Please can you stop the suffering of all these souls”.

  9. Dharam Raj told Raja Janak that the souls were being punished for their sins. Dharam Raj said “I am only a servant of Vaheguru, without Vaheguru’s Hukam I cannot liberate them”.

  10. Raja Janak started crying and begged Dharam Raj to stop the suffering.

  11. Dharam Raj saw the love Raja Janak had for every soul and so told him “These sinners have never worshipped Vaheguru, they can only be liberated if you offer a part of your Kamai (meditation on the Naam)”.

  12. Raja Janak agreed to offer a part of his meditation on the Naam to liberate the souls by wiping away their sins.

  13. The meditation on the Naam greatly outweighed the sins of all the sinners. With this, all the sins were washed away by the Naam and all the souls were liberated. Raja Janak took the souls with him to Sach Khand.



Morals of Story:

  • When you are given power, use it to help people not to hurt people.

  • We can only go to Sach Khand by meditating on the Naam, Vaheguru.

  • We should aim to love and help everyone around us.

  • We should help stop suffering by giving to charity.

  • Everyone will be punished for their sins unless they wipe them away with Paat (meditation).

  • Nothing can happen without Vaheguru’s Hukam (command).

Raja Janak Ji

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