"8 Pehars a Day, I Meditate on my lord. By the Guru's Grace, I Cross Over the Terrifying World Ocean"
~SGGS Ji (Ang 750)

What is Sikhi?
Sikhi is a way of life. It is a disciplined way of living that involves love and justice for all of humanity and dedicated faith in the 10 Gurus, Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Guru Khalsa Panth.
The key message from the Gurus is to remember Vaheguru (God) at all times. A Sikh puts their trust in Vaheguru and the Guru alone rather than in other people.
Sikhs believe that every living organism has a light within them, the soul, which is a part of the One Divine Light, Vaheguru. A human's aim is to merge back with that light from which they came from by realising their true identity.
The current and eternal Guru, Guru Granth Sahib Ji, have guided Sikhs since 1708. The Guru teaches us the way of life by which we can merge back with Vaheguru.
For any inquiries, questions or commendations Phone: Balrajan Singh - 07392 214633
Email: sikhiclass@outlook.com
or fill out the form below
Sikhi Class Times
Every Wednesday
5pm - 6pm