Baba Deep Singh Ji
First Name: Deepa
Born: January 1682
Joti Jot: November 1757
Place of Birth: Amritsar
Father: Bhai Bhagata Ji
Mother: Bibi Jeoni Ji

Meeting and Serving Guru Gobind Singh Ji
When Deepa Ji was 12, he travelled with his parents to Anandpur Sahib to meet Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Deepa Ji and his parents stayed at Anandpur Sahib for a few days and did a lot of Seva for the Sangat.
When Deepa’s parents were ready to go back home, Guru Gobind Singh Ji asked them if Deepa could stay in Anandpur Sahib. They accepted the Guru’s request.
At Anandpur Sahib, Deepa Ji started learning more about Sikhi. He learnt Gurmukhi from Bhai Mani Singh Ji and also learnt how to fight with a sword. Deepa Ji took Amrit on Vaisakhi when he was 18 and vowed to serve as one of Vaheguru’s Warriors.
Baba Deep Singh Ji and Bhai Mani Singh Ji both hand-wrote Guru Granth Sahib Ji as Guru Gobind Singh Ji recited the Bani. Baba Deep Singh Ji hand-wrote many other Saroops and Gutke Sahibs for the Sikh Panth.
Guru Gobind Singh Ji left Baba Deep Singh Ji in charge of Damdama Sahib.
In 1706, Guru Gobind Singh Ji formed Damdami Taksal and appointed Baba Deep Singh Ji as the 1st Jathedar.
Shaheedi of Baba Deep Singh Ji
In 1755, Ahmed Shah Abdali invaded India for the fourth time. He would capture women and children and sell them or make them work as slaves. The Singhs in those days would attack Abdali’s men and free the women and children.
During the invasion, Abdali appointed Jahan Khan as his deputy. Jahan Khan invaded Amritsar in May 1757. Sri Harmandir Sahib was destroyed and the Sarovar was filled with blood and dead animals.
When Baba Deep Singh Ji heard this, he gathered the Sikhs at Damdama Sahib. He then drew a line on the ground using his 18kg Khanda and said “Only those who are prepared to die should cross this line”.
500 Sikhs crossed the line and went with Baba Ji to Amritsar.
Before setting off to Amritsar, Baba Ji did Ardaas to Vaheguru and he promised to everyone that he will stay alive until he reached Sri Harmandir Sahib.
By the time Baba Ji was close to Amritsar, he had an army of 5000 Sikhs. When Jahan Khan found out that Baba Ji was on his way he sent an army of 20,000 men towards Baba Ji.
The battle began 5 miles away from Amritsar. Baba Ji, aged 75, fought bravely with his Khanda. The Sikhs fought with great force and had almost defeated Jahan Khan’s army but then more of Khan’s men arrived. The Sikhs kept fighting towards Amritsar.
Whilst Baba Ji was fighting he noticed one of the Mughal Commanders, Jamal Khan. Baba Ji and Khan began fighting and eventually they both swung their sword and cut off each other’s head. They both fell to the ground.
One of the Sikhs was shocked to see Baba ji fall. The Sikh went to Baba ji and shouted in his ear "Baba Ji, you cannot leave us now! Remember the promise you made to all of us!".
Upon hearing this, Baba ji opened his eyes and got back up. Baba Ji picked up his head in one hand and his Khanda in the other and carried on fighting.
Many of the Afgans saw Baba Ji and ran away. Finally, the Sikhs defeated the army and reached Sri Harmandir Sahib. Baba ji lay his head down and became Shaheed.
When we go to Harmandir Sahib, there is a special place which represents where Baba Deep Singh Ji placed their head and left this world.
Morals of Story:
Vaheguru gives the Khalsa strength even when the odds are against it.
Before carrying out a task, do Ardaas to Vaheguru.